Changelog ========= Version 0.23.0 -------------- Released on January 6, 2024. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.6.6 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.6.6__. [:issue:`452` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.22.0 -------------- Released on November 12, 2022. - Remove python 2.x support [:issue:`373` by anthony sottile]. - Remove deprecated ``sassc`` cli [:issue:`379` by anthony sottile]. Version 0.21.0 -------------- Released on May 20, 2021. - Fix build on OpenBSD. [:issue:`310` by Denis Fondras]. - Produce abi3 wheels on windows. [:issue:`322` by Anthony Sottile] - Make the manpage build reproducible. [:issue:`319` by Chris Lamb] - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.6.5 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.6.5__. [:issue:`344` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.20.1 -------------- Released on August 27, 2020. - (no changes, re-releasing to test build automation) Version 0.20.0 -------------- Released on May 1, 2020. - Produce abi3 wheels on macos / linux [:issue:`307` by Anthony Sottile] - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.6.4 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.6.4__. [:issue:`313` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.19.4 -------------- Released on November 3, 2019. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.6.3 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.6.3__. [:issue:`304` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.19.3 -------------- Released on October 5, 2019. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.6.2 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.6.2__. [:issue:`302` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.19.2 -------------- Released on June 16, 2019. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.6.1 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.6.1__. [:issue:`298` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.19.1 -------------- Released on May 18, 2019. - Re-release of 0.19.0 with windows python2.7 wheels [:issue:`297` by Anthony Sottile] Version 0.19.0 -------------- Released on May 18, 2019. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.6.0 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.6.0__. [:issue:`295` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.18.0 -------------- Release on March 13, 2019 - Add support for previous import path to importer callbacks [:issue:`287` :issue:`291` by Frankie Dintino] Version 0.17.0 -------------- Release on January 03, 2019 - Add several new cli options [:issue:`279` :issue:`268` by Frankie Dintino] - ``--sourcemap-file``: output file for source map - ``--sourcemap-contents``: embed ``sourcesContent`` in source map - ``--sourcemap-embed``: embed ``sourceMappingURL`` as data uri - ``--omit-sourcemap-url``: omit source map url comment from output - ``--sourcemap-root``: base path, emitted as ``sourceRoot`` in source map - Fix ``.sass`` in ``WsgiMiddleware`` (again) [:issue:`280` by Anthony Sottile] Version 0.16.1 -------------- Released on November 25, 2018. - Fix compilation on macos mojave [:issue:`276` :issue:`277` by Anthony Sottile] - Fix ``.sass`` in ``WsgiMiddleware`` for ``strip_extension=True`` [:issue:`278` by Anthony Sottile] Version 0.16.0 -------------- Released on November 13, 2018. - Use ``-lc++`` link flag when compiling with ``clang`` [:issue:`270` by Christian Thieme :issue:`271` by Anthony Sottile] - Honor ``strip_extension`` in ``SassMiddleware`` [:issue:`274` by Anthony Sottile] - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.5.5 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.5.5__. [:issue:`275` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.15.1 -------------- Released on September 24, 2018. - Fix `` sdist`` (regressed in 0.15.0) [:issue:`267` by Anthony Sottile] Version 0.15.0 -------------- Released on September 16, 2018. - Fix invalid escape sequences [:issue:`249` by Anthony Sottile] - Add code of conduct [:issue:`251` by Nick Schonning] - Add support for python3.7 and remove testing for python3.4 [:issue:`254` by Anthony Sottile] - Add ``strip_extension`` option for wsgi / distutils builder [:issue:`55` :issue:`258` by Anthony Sottile :issue:`260` by Morten Brekkevold] - Deprecate ``sassc`` (replaced by ``pysassc``). [:issue:`262` by Anthony Sottile] - Import abc classes from ```` to remove ``DeprecationWarning`` [:issue:`264` by Gary van der Merwe :issue:`265` by Anthony Sottile] Version 0.14.5 -------------- Released on April 25, 2018. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.5.4 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.5.4__. [:issue:`247` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.14.4 -------------- Released on April 24, 2018. - Add ability to specify imports for custom extensions. This provides a way to enable imports of ``.css`` files (which was removed in 3.5.3). Specify ``--import-extensions .css`` to restore the previous behavior. [:issue:`246` by Samuel Colvin] Version 0.14.3 -------------- Released on April 23, 2018. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.5.3 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.5.3__. [:issue:`244` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.14.2 -------------- Released on March 16, 2018. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.5.2 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.5.2__. [:issue:`243` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.14.1 -------------- Released on March 12, 2018. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.5.1 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.5.1__. [:issue:`242` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.14.0 -------------- Released on March 6, 2018. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.5.0 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.5.0__. [:issue:`241` by Anthony Sottile] - ``SassList`` type gained an additional option ``bracketed=False`` to match the upstream changes to the ``sass_list`` type. [:issue:`184` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.13.7 -------------- Released on February 5, 2018. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.4.9 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.4.9__. [:issue:`232` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.13.6 -------------- Released on January 19, 2018. - libsass-python has moved to the sass organization! Version 0.13.5 -------------- Released on January 11, 2018. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.4.8 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.4.8__. [:issue:`228` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.13.4 -------------- Released on November 14, 2017. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.4.7 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.4.7__. [:issue:`226` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.13.3 -------------- Released on October 11, 2017. - Sort input files for determinism [:issue:`212` by Bernhard M. Wiedemann] - Include LICENSE file in distributions [:issue:`216` by Dougal J. Sutherland] - Add a ``pysassc`` entry to replace ``sassc`` [:issue:`218` by Anthony Sottile] - Enable building with dynamic linking [:issue:`219` by Marcel Plch] - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.4.6 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.4.6__. [:issue:`221` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.13.2 -------------- Released on June 14, 2017. - Always add cwd to import paths [:issue:`208` by Anthony Sottile] Version 0.13.1 -------------- Released on June 8, 2017. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.4.5 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.4.5__. [:issue:`207` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.13.0 -------------- Released on June 7, 2017. - Use ``getfullargspec`` when available in python 3. [:issue:`188` by Thom Wiggers] - Use ``sass_copy_c_string`` instead of ``strdup`` for portability [:issue:`196` by Anthony Sottile] - Use ``-std=gnu++0x`` to fix installation under cygwin [:issue:`195` :issue:`197` by Anthony Sottile] - Correct source map url [:issue:`201` :issue:`202` by Anthony Sottile] - Remove ``--watch`` [:issue:`203` by Anthony Sottile] - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.4.4 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.4.4__. [:issue:`205` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.12.3 -------------- Released on January 7, 2017. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.4.3 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.4.3__. [:issue:`178` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.12.2 -------------- Released on January 5, 2017. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.4.2 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.4.2__. [:issue:`176` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.12.1 -------------- Released on December 20, 2016. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.4.1 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.4.1__. [:issue:`175` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.12.0 -------------- Released on December 10, 2016. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.4.0 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.4.0__. [:issue:`173` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.11.2 -------------- Released on October 24, 2016. - Drop support for python2.6 [:issue:`158` by Anthony Sottile] - Deprecate ``--watch`` [:issue:`156` by Anthony Sottile] - Preserve line endings [:issue:`160` by Anthony Sottile] - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.3.6 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.3.6__. [:issue:`167` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.11.1 -------------- Released on April 22, 2016. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.3.5 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.3.5__. [:issue:`148` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.11.0 -------------- Released on March 23, 2016. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.3.4 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.3.4__. [:issue:`144` by Anthony Sottile] - Expose libsass version in ``sassc --version`` and ``sass.libsass_version`` [:issue:`142` :issue:`141` :issue:`140` by Anthony Sottile] - Fix warning about unused enum on switch [:issue:`127` :issue:`131` by Anthony Sottile] - Sourcemaps no longer imply source comments [:issue:`124` :issue:`130` by Tim Tisdall] - Add ``--source-comments`` option to ``sassc`` [:issue:`124` :issue:`130` by Anthony Sottile] - Improve formatting of ``CompileError`` under python3 [:issue:`123` by Anthony Sottile] - Raise when compiling a directory which does not exist [:issue:`116` :issue:`119` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.10.1 -------------- Released on January 29, 2016. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.3.3 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.3.3__. [by Anthony Sottile] - Allow -t for style like sassc [:issue:`98` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.10.0 -------------- Released on December 15, 2015. - Support custom import callbacks [:issue:`81` by Alice Zoë Bevan–McGregor, Anthony Sottile] - Disallow arbitrary kwargs in compile() [:issue:`109` by Anthony Sottile] Version 0.9.3 ------------- Released on December 03, 2015. - Support "indented" Sass compilation [:issue:`41` by Alice Zoë Bevan–McGregor] - Fix wheels on windows [:issue:`28` :issue:`49` by Anthony Sottile] Version 0.9.2 ------------- Released on November 12, 2015. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.3.2 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.3.2__. [by Anthony Sottile] - Require VS 2015 to build on windows [:issue:`99` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.9.1 ------------- Released on October 29, 2015. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.3.1 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.3.1__. [by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.9.0 ------------- Released on October 28, 2015. - Fix a bug with writing UTF-8 to a file [:issue:`72` by Caleb Ely] - Fix a segmentation fault on ^C [:issue:`87` by Anthony Sottile] - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.3.0 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.3.0__. [:issue:`96` by Anthony Sottile] __ Version 0.8.3 ------------- Released on August 2, 2015. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.2.5 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.2.5__. [:issue:`79`, :issue:`80` by Anthony Sottile] - Fixed a bug that :file:`*.sass` files were ignored. [:issue:`78` by Guilhem MAS-PAITRAULT] __ Version 0.8.2 ------------- Released on May 19, 2015. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.2.4 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.2.3__, and 3.2.4__. [:issue:`69` by Anthony Sottile] - The default value of :class:`~sassutils.wsgi.SassMiddleware`'s ``error_status`` parameter was changed from ``'500 Internal Server Error'`` to ``'200 OK'`` so that Mozilla Firefox can render the error message well. [:issue:`67`, :issue:`68`, :issue:`70` by zxv] __ __ Version 0.8.1 ------------- Released on May 14, 2015. - Fixed a bug that there was no ``'expanded'`` in :const:`sass.OUTPUT_STYLES` but ``'expected'`` instead which is a typo. [:issue:`66` by Triangle717] - Fixed broken FreeBSD build. [:issue:`65` by Toshiharu Moriyama] Version 0.8.0 ------------- Released on May 3, 2015. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.2.2 --- See the release notes of LibSass 3.2.0__, 3.2.1__, and 3.2.2__. [:issue:`61`, :issue:`52`, :issue:`56`, :issue:`58`, :issue:`62`, :issue:`64` by Anthony Sottile] - Compact and expanded output styles [:issue:`37`] - Strings and interpolation closer to Ruby Sass - The correctness of the generated sourcemap files - Directive buddling - Full support for the ``@at-root`` directive - Full support for ``!global`` variable scoping - Now underscored files are ignored when compiling a directory. [:issue:`57` by Anthony Sottile] - Fixed broken FreeBSD build. [:issue:`34`, :issue:`60` by Ilya Baryshev] - :class:`~sassutils.wsgi.SassMiddleware` became to log syntax errors if exist during compilation to ``sassutils.wsgi.SassMiddleware`` logger with level ``ERROR``. [:issue:`42`] __ __ __ Version 0.7.0 ------------- Released on March 6, 2015. Anthony Sottile contributed to the most of this release. Huge thanks to him! - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.1.0 --- See the `release note`__ of LibSass. [:issue:`38`, :issue:`43` by Anthony Sottile] - Custom functions and imports - Decrementing in ``@for`` loops - ``@debug`` and ``@error`` - ``not`` operator - ``nth()`` for maps - ``inspect()`` - ``feature-exists()`` - ``unique-id()`` - ``random()`` - Added custom functions support. [:issue:`13`, :issue:`44` by Anthony Sottile] - Added :class:`sass.SassFunction` class. - Added ``custom_functions`` parameter to :func:`sass.compile()` function. - Added data types for custom functions: - :class:`sass.SassNumber` - :class:`sass.SassColor` - :class:`sass.SassList` - :class:`sass.SassMap` - :class:`sass.SassError` - :class:`sass.SassWarning` - Added ``precision`` parameter to :func:`sass.compile()` function. [:issue:`39` by Andrea Stagi] - :program:`sassc` has a new :option:`-p `/:option:`--precision ` option. [:issue:`39` by Andrea Stagi] __ Version 0.6.2 ------------- Released on November 25, 2014. Although 0.6.0--0.6.1 have needed GCC (G++) 4.8+, LLVM Clang 3.3+, now it became back to only need GCC (G++) 4.6+, LLVM Clang 2.9+, or Visual Studio 2013 Update 4+. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.0.2 --- See the `release note`__ of libsass. [:issue:`33` by Rodolphe Pelloux-Prayer] - Fixed a bug that :program:`sassc --watch` crashed when a file is not compilable on the first try. [:issue:`32` by Alan Justino da Silva] - Fixed broken build on Windows. __ Version 0.6.1 ------------- Released on November 6, 2014. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.0.1 --- See the `release note`__ of LibSass. - Fixed a bug that :class:`~sassutils.wsgi.SassMiddleware` never closes the socket on some WSGI servers e.g. ``eventlet.wsgi``. __ Version 0.6.0 ------------- Released on October 27, 2014. Note that since libsass-python 0.6.0 (and libsass 3.0) it requires C++11 to compile. Although 0.6.2 became back to only need GCC (G++) 4.6+, LLVM Clang 2.9+, from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1 you need GCC (G++) 4.8+, LLVM Clang 3.3+, or Visual Studio 2013 Update 4+. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 3.0 --- See the `release note`__ of LibSass. - Decent extends support - Basic Sass Maps Support - Better UTF-8 Support - ``call()`` function - Better Windows Support - Spec Enhancements - Added missing `partial import`_ support. [:issue:`27` by item4] - :const:`~sass.SOURCE_COMMENTS` became deprecated. - :func:`sass.compile()`'s parameter ``source_comments`` now can take only :const:`bool` instead of :const:`str`. String values like ``'none'``, ``'line_numbers'``, and ``'map'`` become deprecated, and will be obsolete soon. - :func:`~sassutils.builder.build_directory()` function has a new optional parameter ``output_style``. - :meth:`` method has a new optional parameter ``output_style``. - Added ``--output-style``/``-s`` option to :class:`~sassutils.distutils.build_sass` command. [:issue:`25`] __ .. _partial import: Version 0.5.1 ------------- Released on September 23, 2014. - Fixed a bug that :class:`~sassutils.wsgi.SassMiddleware` yielded :class:`str` instead of :class:`bytes` on Python 3. - Fixed several Unicode-related bugs on Windows. - Fixed a bug that :func:`~sassutils.builder.build_directory()`, :class:`~sassutils.wsgi.SassMiddleware`, and :class:`~sassutils.distutils.build_sass` don't recursively build subdirectories. Version 0.5.0 ------------- Released on June 6, 2014. - Follow up the libsass upstream: 2.0 --- See the `release note`__ of LibSass. - Added indented syntax support (:file:`*.sass` files). - Added expanded selector support (BEM). - Added string functions. - Fixed UTF-8 support. - Backward incompatibility: broken extends. __ Unstable version ------------------------------------------ Released on May 29, 2014. - Version scheme changed to use periods (``.``) instead of hyphens (``-``) due to setuptools seems to treat hyphens special. - Fixed malformed packaging that doesn't correctly preserve the package name and version. Unstable Version 0.4.2-20140528-cd3ee1cbe3 ------------------------------------------ Released on May 28, 2014. - Follow up the libsass upstream: :upcommit:`cd3ee1cbe34d5316eb762a43127a3de9575454ee`. Version 0.4.2 ------------- Released on May 22, 2014. - Fixed build failing on Mac OS X 10.8 or earlier. [:issue:`19`] - Fixed :exc:`UnicodeEncodeError` that :meth:`Manifest.build_one() ` method rises when the input source contains any non-ASCII Unicode characters. Version 0.4.1 ------------- Released on May 20, 2014. - Fixed :exc:`UnicodeEncodeError` that rise when the input source contains any non-ASCII Unicode characters. Version 0.4.0 ------------- Released on May 6, 2014. - :program:`sassc` has a new :option:`-w `/:option:`--watch ` option. - Expose source maps support: - :program:`sassc` has a new :option:`-m `/:option:`-g `/:option:`--sourcemap ` option. - :class:`~sassutils.wsgi.SassMiddleware` now also creates source map files with filenames followed by :file:`.map` suffix. - :meth:`Manifest.build_one() ` method has a new ``source_map`` option. This option builds also a source map file with the filename followed by :file:`.map` suffix. - :func:`sass.compile()` has a new optional parameter ``source_comments``. It can be one of :const:`sass.SOURCE_COMMENTS` keys. It also has a new parameter ``source_map_filename`` which is required only when ``source_comments='map'``. - Fixed Python 3 incompatibility of :program:`sassc` program. - Fixed a bug that multiple ``include_paths`` doesn't work on Windows. Version 0.3.0 ------------- Released on February 21, 2014. - Added support for Python 3.3. [:issue:`7`] - Dropped support for Python 2.5. - Fixed build failing on Mac OS X. [:issue:`4`, :issue:`5`, :issue:`6` by Hyungoo Kang] - Now the builder creates target subdirectories recursively even if they don't exist yet, rather than silently failing. [:issue:`8`, :issue:`9` by Philipp Volguine] - Merged recent changes from libsass 1.0.1: `57a2f62--v1.0.1`_. - Supports `variable arguments`_. - Supports sourcemaps. .. _57a2f62--v1.0.1: .. _variable arguments: Version 0.2.4 ------------- Released on December 4, 2012. - Added :mod:`sassc` CLI executable script. - Added :const:`sass.OUTPUT_STYLES` constant map. - Merged recent changes from libsass upstream: `e997102--a84b181`__. __ Version 0.2.3 ------------- Released on October 24, 2012. - :mod:`sassutils.distutils`: Prevent double monkey patch of ``sdist``. - Merged upstream changes of libsass. Version 0.2.2 ------------- Released on September 28, 2012. - Fixed a link error on PyPy and Linux. - Fixed build errors on Windows. Version 0.2.1 ------------- Released on September 12, 2012. - Support Windows. Version 0.2.0 ------------- Released on August 24, 2012. - Added new :mod:`sassutils` package. - Added :mod:`sassutils.builder` module to build the whole directory at a time. - Added :mod:`sassutils.distutils` module for :mod:`distutils` and :mod:`setuptools` integration. - Added :mod:`sassutils.wsgi` module which provides a development-purpose WSGI middleware. - Added :class:`~sassutils.distutils.build_sass` command for :mod:`distutils`/:mod:`setuptools`. Version 0.1.1 ------------- Released on August 18, 2012. - Fixed segmentation fault for reading ``filename`` which does not exist. Now it raises a proper ``exceptions.IOError`` exception. Version 0.1.0 ------------- Released on August 17, 2012. Initial version.